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Selected presentations

Presentations on conferences


Seminar at Novosibirsk State University October 18, Novosibirsk, Russia, 56 slides, 5.2 Mb, Russian.



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  • ICSB-2010
    October 11-14, Edinburgh, Scotland
    • Tutorial: BioUML - integrated platform for building virtual cell and virtual physiological human
      MS Power Point presentation, 73 slides, 6.4 Mb, English.
    • Oral report: Modular Approach To Modeling Of The Apoptosis Machinery
      Kutumova E.O., Sharipov R.N., Lavrik I.N, Kolpakov F.A.
    • posters about BioUML and its usage for modelling of components of virtual cell and virtual physiological human:
      • BioUML - Integrated Platform for Building Virtual Cell and Virtual Physiological Human
        Kolpakov F.A., Tolstyh N.I., Kutumova E.O., Kiselev I.N., Shadrin A.A., Valeev T.F., Ryabova A.
        MS Power Point presentation, 1 slide, 1.3 Mb, English.
      • Modular Approach To Modeling Of The Apoptosis Machinery
        Kutumova E.O., Sharipov R.N., Kolpakov F.A.
        MS Power Point presentation, 1 slide, 1.5 Mb, English.
      • The Optimization Plug-in For The BioUML Platform
        Kutumova E.O., Ryabova A.S., Tolstyh N.I., Kolpakov F.A.
        MS Power Point presentation, 1 slide, 0.8 Mb, English.
      • Agent based modelling - plug-in for BioUML platform
        Kiselev I.N., Semisalov B.V., Kolpakov F.A.
        MS Power Point presentation, 1 slide, 0.8 Mb, English.
      • Numerical analysis of complex model of human blood flow circulation using 1D hemodynamic model
        Leonova T., Biberdorf E.A., Kolpakov F.A., Blokhin A.M., Markel A.L.
        MS Power Point presentation, 1 slide, 0.5 Mb, English.

  • BGRS\SB-2010 conference
    June 20-27, 1010, Novosibirsk, Russia
    • oral presentation: Modular modeling of the apoptosis machinery
      Kutumova E.O., Sharipov R.N., Lavrik I.N, Kolpakov F.A.
      MS Power Point presentation, 52 slides, 7.8 Mb, English.
    • oral presentation: BioUML integrated platform for building virtual cell and virtual physiological human
      Kolpakov F.A., Tolstyh N.I., Kutumova E.O., Kiselev I.N., Shadrin A.A., Valeev T.F., Ryabova A., Sharipov R.N., Kel A.E.
      MS Power Point presentation, 78 slides, 8.4 Mb, English.
    • posters about BioUML and its usage for modelling of components of virtual cell and virtual physiological human:
      • Microarray data analysis plugin for BioUML
        Kiselev I.N., Shadrin A.A., Kolpakov F.A., Kondrakhin Y.V.
        poster, pdf, 1 Mb, English.
      • Comparison of methods for reconstruction of models for gene expression regulation
        Shadrin A.A., Kiselev I.N., Kolpakov F.A.
        MS Power Point presentation, 1 slide, 0.8 Mb, English.
      • Web-based genome browser using AJAX and canvas technologies
        Valeev T.F., Tolstyh N.I., Kolpakov F.A.
        MS Power Point presentation, 1 slide, 0.5 Mb, English.
      • Simulating pulse wave in 1D hemodynamic model
        Leonova T., Kolpakov F.A., Biberdorf E.A.
      • Numerical analysis of complex model of human blood flow circulation using 1D hemodynamic model
        Leonova T., Biberdorf E.A., Kolpakov F.A., Blokhin A.M., Markel A.L.
        MS Power Point presentation
        , 1 slide, 0.5 Mb, English.



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