PSD pharmaceutical compounds analysis
From BioUML platform
- Analysis title
PSD pharmaceutical compounds analysis
- Provider
- Biosoft
- Class
- Plugin
- biouml.plugins.genomeenhancer (Genome Enhancer)
This method seeks for the optimal combination of molecular targets among input genes that potentially interact with pharmaceutical compounds from a library of known drugs, using information from HumanPSD™ database.
- Genes table – Path to table with genes
- Weight column (expert) – Genes' weight column name
- Weight as rank (expert) – Use weight column as rank column
- Diseases names – Names of the diseases
- False positive target weight (expert) – Weight of false positive targets in target activity score formula. False positive targets are known targets of the drug that are not included in input targets list
- Output table with structures – Output table with structures
- Output table with targets – Output table with targets