Table (element type)

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Type-table-icon.png table


A table element represents a two-dimensional table. You can view the table as a table document, when you double-click on it. Editing individual values is also possible.

Tables are used as input or output of numerous analysis methods. Table can be imported from tabular file formats and exported into a number of formats including tab-separated, CSV or HTML.

A reference type can be assigned to the table, which may modify its icon. Some analysis methods require input tables to have the specific reference type.


Each table contains at least one special column "ID" which cannot be deleted or renamed. Values in this column identify the row, thus cannot repeat. Other columns can be modified or deleted.

Each table column has a data type, so every record in the column has the same type. The following data types are supported:

  • Text: any textual information.
  • Integer: an integral number between -231 and 231-1.
  • Float: a double-precision floating point number (can store numbers up to ~10308).
  • Boolean: a boolean value (true or false).
  • Set: a set of non-repeating alphabetically sorted strings.
  • Chart: a chart (can be viewed by pressing the 'View' button).
  • View: a picture (displayed directly in the table cell).
  • Genome browser: an embedded genome browser view.

It's also possible to associate a JavaScript expression with the column, so the column content will be automatically calculated from other columns' values. Use Columns viewpart to modify table columns.

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