Correlation Analysis
From BioUML platform
Revision as of 15:25, 4 April 2013 by BioUML wiki Bot (Talk | contribs)
Correlation analysis
- Experiment data - experimental data for analysis.
- Table - a table data collection with experimental data stored in the BioUML repository.
- Columns - the columns selected from the table for further analysis.
- Control data - control data for analysis.
- Table - a table data collection with control data stored in BioUML repository.
- Columns - the columns selected from the table for further analysis.
- Data source - data source for correlations (rows or columns from tables).
- Result type - the type of result representation: correlation matrix or triplets (id1, id2, correlation).
- Correlation type - the correlation method.
- Pearson - Pearson correlation.
- Spearman - Spearman rank correlation (non-parametric).
- P-value threshold - thresold for P-value (only elements with lower P-value will be included in the results).
- Outline boundaries - lower and upper boundaries for values from the input table. Outliers will be ignored.
- Output table - the path in BioUML repository where the result table will be stored. If a table with the specified path already exists it will be replaced.