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<h3>Parameter identifiability (table)</h3>
<h3>Parameter identifiability (table)</h3>

Revision as of 16:38, 16 March 2022

Identifiability analysis infers how well the model parameters are approximated by the amount and quality of experimental data [1,2].



Reproducing a test case in BioUML

To reproduce a test case below in the BioUML workbench, go to the Analyses tab in the navigation pane and follow to analyses > Methods > Differential algebraic equations.

Identifiability analysis can be run in two ways:

  • to use a pre-created optimization document, double click on Parameter identifiability (optimization);
  • for auto-generation of an optimization document using the given settings, double click on Parameter identifiability (table).

Parameter identifiability (optimization)

Parameter identifiability example 01.png

Ready analysis results can be found in the folder:

data/Examples/DAE models/Data/Parameter Identifiability

Parameter identifiability (table)

Parameter identifiability example 02.png

Parameter identifiability example 03.png

Parameter identifiability example 04.png


  1. Raue A, Kreutz C, Maiwald T, Bachmann J, Schilling M, Klingmüller U, Timmer J (2009) Structural and practical identifiability analysis of partially observed dynamical models by exploiting the profile likelihood. Bioinformatics, 25(15):1923–1929.
  2. Raue A, Becker V, Klingmüller U, Timmer J (2010) Identifiability and observability analysis for experimental design in nonlinear dynamical models. Chaos, 20(4):045105.

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