System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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universalLanguageSelector (Talk)<UniversalLanguageSelector>
right-userrights-interwiki (Talk)Edit user rights of users on other wikis
right-writeapi (Talk)Use of the write API
rightslog (Talk)User rights log
rightslogentry (Talk)changed group membership for $1 from $2 to $3
rightslogentry-autopromote (Talk)was automatically promoted from $2 to $3
rightslogtext (Talk)This is a log of changes to user rights.
rightsnone (Talk)(none)
rollback (Talk)Roll back edits
rollback-success (Talk)Reverted edits by $1; changed back to last revision by $2.
rollback_short (Talk)Rollback
rollbackfailed (Talk)Rollback failed
rollbacklinkcount (Talk)rollback $1 {{PLURAL:$1|edit|edits}}
rollbacklinkcount-morethan (Talk)rollback more than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|edit|edits}}
rows (Talk)Rows:
sat (Talk)Sat
saturday (Talk)Saturday
savearticle (Talk)Save page
savedprefs (Talk)Your preferences have been saved.
savefile (Talk)Save file
saveprefs (Talk)Save
saveusergroups (Talk)Save user groups
scarytranscludedisabled (Talk)[Interwiki transcluding is disabled]
scarytranscludefailed (Talk)[Template fetch failed for $1]
scarytranscludetoolong (Talk)[URL is too long]
search-external (Talk)External search
search-interwiki-caption (Talk)Sister projects
search-interwiki-custom (Talk) 
search-interwiki-default (Talk)$1 results:
search-interwiki-more (Talk)(more)
search-nonefound (Talk)There were no results matching the query.
search-redirect (Talk)(redirect $1)
search-relatedarticle (Talk)Related
search-result-category-size (Talk){{PLURAL:$1|1 member|$1 members}} ({{PLURAL:$2|1 subcategory|$2 subcategories}}, {{PLURAL:$3|1 file|$3 files}})
search-result-score (Talk)Relevance: $1%
search-result-size (Talk)$1 ({{PLURAL:$2|1 word|$2 words}})
search-section (Talk)(section $1)
search-suggest (Talk)Did you mean: $1
search-summary (Talk) 
searchall (Talk)all
searcharticle (Talk)Go
searchbutton (Talk)Search
searchdisabled (Talk){{SITENAME}} search is disabled. You can search via Google in the meantime. Note that their indexes of {{SITENAME}} content may be out of date.
searcheverything-enable (Talk)Search in all namespaces
searchhelp-url (Talk)Help:Contents
searchmenu-exists (Talk)'''There is a page named "[[:$1]]" on this wiki.'''
searchmenu-help (Talk)[[{{MediaWiki:Searchhelp-url}}|{{int:help}}]]?
searchmenu-legend (Talk)Search options
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