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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
13:21, 14 June 2013Diagram orthogonal layout.png (file)60 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 2
13:19, 14 June 2013Diagram hierarchical layout.png (file)83 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 2
18:12, 13 June 2013Adjusting diagram layout.png (file)99 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
18:10, 13 June 2013Diagram view.png (file)215 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
18:41, 6 June 2013Adjusting table.png (file)43 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
15:52, 6 June 2013Table view.png (file)46 KBStanislav Loskutnikov (screenshot of an opened table with comments)1
12:25, 6 June 2013Expand item.png (file)8 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
14:26, 5 June 2013RemoteDB RW icon.png (file)272 BStanislav Loskutnikov 1
14:25, 5 June 2013RemoteDB R icon.png (file)253 BStanislav Loskutnikov 1
14:25, 5 June 2013LocalDB icon.png (file)270 BStanislav Loskutnikov 1
14:25, 5 June 2013PublicDB RW icon.png (file)279 BStanislav Loskutnikov 1
14:24, 5 June 2013PublicDB W icon.png (file)284 BStanislav Loskutnikov 1
14:24, 5 June 2013PublicDB R icon.png (file)284 BStanislav Loskutnikov 1
14:23, 5 June 2013ProtectedDB R icon.png (file)259 BStanislav Loskutnikov 1
14:23, 5 June 2013PublicDB icon.png (file)262 BStanislav Loskutnikov 1
18:16, 4 June 2013Workbench installation.png (file)174 KBStanislav Loskutnikov (combined screenshots at steps 1-4 of the workbench installation)1
16:35, 31 May 2013Transplorer interface.png (file)538 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
15:21, 31 May 2013GNinterface.png (file)272 KBStanislav Loskutnikov (in poor quality, screenshot from the publicaion)1
15:20, 31 May 2013GNdescribed networks.png (file)109 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
18:45, 30 May 2013GNDiagram construction.png (file)18 KBStanislav Loskutnikov (a screenshot in poor quality taken from the abstract)1
18:38, 30 May 2013GN DBstructure.png (file)9 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
13:22, 30 May 2013TRRD viewer.png (file)16 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
13:22, 30 May 2013TRRD database structure.png (file)15 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
16:25, 8 May 2013Workbench user interface.png (file)60 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
15:49, 25 April 2013Plug-in based architecture.png (file)14 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
15:49, 25 April 2013Metamodel layers.png (file)10 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
15:48, 25 April 2013Data flow in BioUML.png (file)32 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
12:55, 25 April 2013BioStore downloads.png (file)106 KBStanislav Loskutnikov (the screenshot includes the toolkit file; red lines and numbers show steps to download the workbench installation pack)2
19:07, 24 April 2013Editing workflow diagram GO classification.png (file)40 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
19:06, 24 April 2013Editing workflow diagram with a cycle.png (file)9 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
19:06, 24 April 2013Editing workflow diagram script params.png (file)7 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
19:05, 24 April 2013Editing workflow diagram cycle params.png (file)13 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
17:31, 24 April 2013Research diagram.png (file)21 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
17:30, 24 April 2013Editing workflow diagram more complex.png (file)48 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
15:50, 24 April 2013Run workflow icon.png (file)377 BStanislav Loskutnikov 1
15:49, 24 April 2013Editing workflow diagram adding filtering condition.png (file)48 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
13:08, 24 April 2013Editing workflow diagram adding output table.png (file)42 KBStanislav Loskutnikov (combined screenshots of adding an expression node and a directed edge to the workflow diagram)1
16:43, 23 April 2013Editing workflow diagram adding edge.png (file)28 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
16:25, 23 April 2013Editing workflow diagram adding input table.png (file)31 KBStanislav Loskutnikov (an arrow added)2
16:07, 23 April 2013Editing workflow diagram adding method.png (file)111 KBStanislav Loskutnikov (screenshot showing alternative ways of adding a method item)1
17:37, 22 April 2013Starting a new workflow.png (file)188 KBStanislav Loskutnikov (combined screenshots of BioUML before and after crearing a new workflow file)1
18:37, 18 April 2013GeneXplainGMBH logo.png (file)12 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
18:30, 15 April 2013Access via subscription centre.png (file)74 KBStanislav Loskutnikov (combined screenshots of BioStore subscriptions list and the server login form)1
17:38, 15 April 2013Server architecture.png (file)27 KBStanislav Loskutnikov (a chart of the software architecture on the server side)1
18:35, 11 April 2013Subscribing to a server.png (file)103 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
18:07, 11 April 2013Inviting users to projects.png (file)110 KBStanislav Loskutnikov (opening the Invite form from the main page)1
17:23, 11 April 2013BioStore subscriptions and groups.png (file)139 KBStanislav Loskutnikov (another way to open the subscription list from the main page is shown as a dashed-line arrow)2
13:53, 11 April 2013Biostore login.png (file)80 KBStanislav Loskutnikov 1
13:33, 11 April 2013Biostore registration.png (file)97 KBStanislav Loskutnikov (combined screenshots of the BioStore start page and the registration form)1

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