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Workflow title
Identify enriched motifs in promoters (TRANSFAC(R))
geneXplain GmbH

Workflow overview



This workflow finds transcription factor binding sites, TFBS, enriched in the promoters of an input gene set as compared to the promoters of the backgrounds set. Site search is done with the help of the TRANSFAC library of positional weight matrices, PWMs.

In the first part of the workflow, the enriched motifs are identified by the method Search for enriched TFBSs (genes). Filtered enriched motifs serve as a basis to construct a specific profile, and this profile is run on the promoters of the input gene set, method Site search on gene set.

Yes set and No set are the gene sets for which you wish to analyse the promoters. By default the workflow uses a subset to 300 genes randomly taken out of the human housekeeping genes as No set. Filter by TFBS enrichment fold: In this field you can specify the enrichment fold (FE) to filter the motifs. By default it is 1.0, which means all motifs with FE>1.0 will be reported in the resulting table and the same motifs will serve to create a specific profile. If you want to use highly-enriched motifs, you can specify higher thresholds, e.g. 1.1, 1.2 etc, or even 2.0 or 3.0 depending on your Yes and No sets. The promoter region is -1000 to +100 relative to the TSS.

The result folder contains several files and folders including site search results, annotated transcription factors, Profile table and table with Enriched motifs.

The table Enriched Motifs contains those site models, here TRANSFAC matrices, which are enriched in the Yes set in comparison with the No set. Each row of the output table represents the result for one PWM from the input profile.  Profile presents only those PWMs with adj. site FE >1. Site search analysis output serves to visualize enriched motifs in the promoters. The table Transcription factors Ensembl genes is a list of transcription factors linked to the enriched motifs.

Note. This workflow is available together with a valid TRANSFAC® license. Please, feel free to ask for details (info@genexplain.com)


Input Yes gene set
Input No gene set
Filter by TFBS enrichment fold
Filter for column Adj. site FE
Start promoter
End promoter
Result folder
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